首页»恐怖片 » 杀人不难 » HD中字
类型:悬疑 犯罪 恐怖 地区:美国 年份:1982 
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A mathematician and author, Luke Williams, is travelling up to London on a train when he meets a old lady, Lavinia Fullerton, who is also going to London, to Scotland Yard. Lavinia tells Luke that in her small village several people have died. The local police are certain that it was all accidental and are taking no action but Lavinia isn't convinced. In London Luke watches, horrified, as Lavinia is run over in a hit and run and he becomes convinced that she was telling the truth. He travels down to the village and with the aid of a local girl, who is also convinced that the deaths were murder, sets out to solve the mystery.
  • 索命APP

    蕾切尔·迪皮罗,可比·毕丝·布兰顿,塞缪尔·拉森,詹姆斯·兰德里·赫伯特,亚历克斯·沙弗尔,Kristen Hagen,Karri Davis

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  • 双重身份

    方·基默,伊莎贝拉·米珂,克里斯多·夏帕夫,瓦伦丁·佩尔卡,瓦伦丁·加内夫,Zahary Baharov,Velislav Pavlov,朱利安·维戈夫

  • 再分布

    James Allen,Natan Barreto,蒂姆·本廷克,Robert Boulton,Alexandra Evans,Rrenford Junior Fagan,Daniel Goode,Isobella Hubbard,Scott Joseph,Andrew Kinsler,阿拉斯塔尔·麦肯泽,杰夫·劳勒,Melody Reynolds,Darrio Stangl

  • 与僵尸同行

    詹姆斯·埃利森,弗朗西丝·迪伊,汤姆·康威,伊迪丝·巴雷特,詹姆斯·贝尔,Christine Gordon,特蕾莎.哈里斯,兰斯洛特爵士,达比·琼斯,热尼·勒戈恩